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eBay Auction CANCELED

Our most recent auction canceled was an auction for a Graphotype 350 on eBay. 

Graphotype.net contacted the seller and illustrated to the seller that they had plagiarized text from the Graphotype web site and placed it in their on-line eBay auction.

The seller responded by telling Graphotype.net that copyright rules did not apply to them as they were just selling an item in an auction.

After several more attempts to get the seller to give Graphotype.net proper credit for the plagerized text we gave up and contacted eBay directly.

With our prepared forms and information we were able to get eBay to cancel the auction in the last few days of the listing.

The price of this auction was really high and there were 18 bidders who had all ready placed bids on the machine.

Graphotype.net does not care if you loose your auction or if you are sanctioned by eBay, if you are going to steal or plagiarize our content we are going to vigorously pursue all avenues to protect our copyrighted material available to us.






Please Contribute Content
To this web site.

While we have compiled quite a library of data relating to the Graphotype our visitors have "life" experiences involving Graphotype machines.

It is for this reason that we value your input.  Please contact us with any information, comments or questions you might have about Graphotype Machines.

Contact us direct:
Tactical Support Module

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eBay Sellers - Graphotype.net finds that eBay is a great venue for selling Graphotype machines.  Many times Graphotype.net will recommend machines on eBay to potential buyers thus enhancing the return on your auctions.

FACT: Graphotype.net recommended machines consistently sell at auction for higher closing bids than machines not recommended by Graphotype.net - if we take the time to review a machine at the request of a potential customer and we recommended said machine you can rest assured that you will be getting top dollar for that machine.

To ensure the success of your auction please heed our warnings about our copyright and the intellectual material found on Graphotype.net


Copyright protection includes, but is not limited to, use of our information in auction listings and on websites.


Let this serve as notice to all SELLERS on eBay.

Graphotype.net works hard to bring the best and most accurate information to the Graphotype community.   As such we COPYRIGHT all the information on our web site.  There has been a recent trend by SELLERS on eBay to use TEXT and descriptions taken directly from the Graphotype.net website.

While we are honored that people find our information so valuable they have to plagiarize our website, we expect and demand that those who wish to use information from our website give proper credit to Graphotype.net for the information used.

Proper credit means that you clearly state that information came from www.graphotype.net with a hyper link back to Graphotype.net in the same size font as the auction description OR so that the credit stands out in contrast to the description and is easily and readily identifiable.

Violation of copyright and/or failure to give Graphotype.net proper credit for work, images, code or text, or if credit to Graphotype.net is found to be incomplete or obscure; at the minimum WILL RESULT in Graphotype.net staff contacting eBay and having your Auction canceled for copyright violations.

   eBay SELLERS have been warned !!!  

If you are an eBay seller you MUST give this matter the attention that it deserves.

Offenders of this policy are liable under our terms of use agreement that governs the use of this website.  Terms of use agreement can be found on our copyright page.

Images, text, code and content ©2005-2010 Graphotype.net - All rights reserved. No part may be copied or linked in any way - unless "credit," conditions have been met as outlined on our copyright page. Unauthorized use is in violation of applicable laws. Such violators agree to pay a usage fee of one thousand US dollars per month for each infringement.


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