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Shipping a Graphotype 350


Thoughts on shipping an Addressograph Class 350 Graphotype machine

If you are lucky enough to own or come into possession of an Addressograph Class 350 Graphotype machine then you know you are one of the privileged few.

These machines are a capital investment and as such should be treated with care.  Most of these machines will last for ever if properly taken care of.  The number one reason for damage to these Class 350 Graphotype machines is improper packaging for shipping and transport.

As the old adage says "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure."  This holds true when dealing with Class 350 Graphotype machines.

Read on to ensure the proper care for shipping and transport of your valuable Class 350 Graphotype machine.



We are seeking military manuals for the Graphotype Class 350 machine.  We want to establish if there is a recommended shipping container that the military used for transport, storage and shipping of these machines.


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Shipping a Graphotype Class 350 machine.



Prior to shipping or transporting a Class 350 Graphotype it is CRITICAL that the carriage be LOCKED to prevent movement and damage during transit.  Addressograph placed a "blank" space in the middle of the carriage so that the carriage could be locked without compressing the dies and punches.  This locked position is specifically designed for transporting the machine and MUST be used when shipping or moving the machine to prevent damage to the machine.

Slide carriage to the middle of it's stroke between the "Q R" and ". S" on the graduated scale.

Between the "Q R" and ". S" is a screw that holds the scale to the carriage.  Top dead center of this screw is the LOCKING POSITION of the carriage.

Slide the carriage to the LOCKING POSITION and then the chrome actuating handle should pull forward into the downward position.

If the actuating handle is in the downward position the machine is LOCKED.  Once LOCKED the machine is almost ready for transport.

The above photo clearly illustrates the screw and locking position located between the "Q R" and ". S", this is the LOCKING POSITION for locking the carriage for transit.

The above photo shows the carriage located in the LOCKING POSITION and the actuating handle in the downward position.  This machine is LOCKED and ready for transport.

Side view of the machine with the carriage in the LOCKING POSITION and the actuating handle in the downward position.  This machine is LOCKED and ready for transport.






Many Graphotype Class 350 machines have the drive handle located on the carriage still in tact.  The drive handle is the number one most damage, broken or missing part found associated with the Class 350 Graphotype machines.  If you happen to have a Class 350 with the drive handle still attached to the machine it is CRITICAL that you remove this handle prior to shipping or transport of the machine.

The drive handle is made of a phenolic type material.  The composition of these handles is unforgiving to shock and prone to damage.  Age makes these handles brittle and little effort is needed to break or damage this part of the Graphotype machine.

If you are lucky enough to have a drive handle on your Class 350 machine you can preserve it for years to come by taking the proper steps to remove the handle prior to shipping and transport of the machine.

The only tool necessary to remove the drive handle is a medium sized flat head screw driver.  (Provided original screws are still intact on the machine)

Look at the photographs below to see the process of removing the drive handle from a Class 350 Graphotype machine.

Above you can see the drive handle in place attached by the mounting screws.  This machine is ready to make tags.

Here clearly one can see the two "original" flat head screws used to affix the drive handle to the carriage.  Once the screws are removed and the drive handle is removed you can replace screws in the carriage for storage.

This photo shows the location of the mounting screws and a screw driver used to remove screws, the screws will not be very tight and you will turn the screws driver left or counter-clockwise to loosen the screws.

Screws removed and handle ready for removal

Handle removed tapped holes exposed on carriage

Replace screws into carriage for storage

To re-install the drive handle reverse the above process.

It is CRITICAL that once you have removed a drive handle you should pack it very carefully.  Dropping the handle even short distances such as several inches to the table can cause the handle to crack or shatter.  We recommend that you have a hard box or case to put the handle in to protect it when in storage or while shipping or transporting the machine.

A little fore thought and care will help ensure you protect your machine for years to come.

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