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All photographs on this site have been watermarked.  If any photographs are used on eBay you must provide proper credit toward GRAPHOTYPE.net

If you elect to NOT provide proper credit or forget to provide proper credit for anything found on this web site GRAPHOTYPE.NET will contact eBay and have your auction canceled.

GRAPHOTYPE.NET is more than happy to allow the use of it's photographs and content provided that proper credit is given - for information on the use of photographs or content please contact us direct.

Any questions contact us direct
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Copyright NOTICE:

All photographs on this web site are copyrighted by there respective owners.

Many of the photographs on this web site have been contributed by individuals who have visited our web site.

We make no attempt to verify copyright information - this is the responsibility of those submitting content to GRAPHOTYPE.NET.

If you notice a photograph here that is copyrighted and you are the owner and wish to have it removed or need to have credit extended to you please contact us direct.

- Copyright -


Please Contribute Content
To this web site.

While we have compiled quite a library of data relating to the Graphotype our visitors have "life" experiences involving Graphotype machines.

It is for this reason that we value your input.  Please contact us with any information, comments or questions you might have about Graphotype Machines.

Contact us direct:
Tactical Support Module

Powered By: Crafty Syntax
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Contribution NOTICE:

We encourage submission of any and all photographs or images that have content relating to this web site.  All we ask is that when you submit a photograph or image you provide copyright information so that we may obtain rights to display the image.

It is the responsibility of anyone submitting images to ensure that all copyright obligations are addressed.

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Send us your photos of Graphotype machines and related items.

Make sure you send us your contact information so we can publish credit for the photographs

Chicago - Gold Mine

DogTagSupply.com purchased the contents of an Addressograph Graphotype company in Chicago, IL.  This was an incredible find click the photo to see.


Hidden Treasure

Photos of a small cache of Graphotype machines in Dallas, TX.

Kobie, probably the youngest Graphotype collector and user, sent photos of some of his machines.


A Working Shop

Photo sent in by a member of his working shop.



Shipping a Model 350

Photo essay on how to ship a Class 350 Graphotype.


Graphotype 350 on TV

Graphotype.net has their equipment on television


Graphotype in the office

Addressograph and Graphotype
use in the office environment


Chicago - Gold Mine



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