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In This Section:

Class 6100
Class 6200
Class 6300
Class 6400
Class 6500
Class 350


Send us your photos of Graphotype machines and related items.

Make sure you send us your contact information so we can publish credit for the photographs



If you are adept at writing and composing we are currently seeking authors to contribute content to the Graphotype.net web site.  We have 1000's of pages of documentation and historical information that needs to be compiled into a format that can be delivered to our visitors.

We are seeking anyone that is wanting to contribute to become a part of the Graphotype.net team.

Prospective Authors
Contact us Here

If you have any interest in becoming a member of the Graphotype.net team please email us


Please Contribute Content
To this web site.

While we have compiled quite a library of data relating to the Graphotype our visitors have "life" experiences involving Graphotype machines.

It is for this reason that we value your input.  Please contact us with any information, comments or questions you might have about Graphotype Machines.

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Class 6200

The Class 6200 Graphotype is the merger of a Class 6100 and electricity.  The Class 6200 Graphotype is basically a refined Class 6100 Graphotype with the addition of a 1/4 hp electric motor to create the first electro-mechanical Graphotype machine.

Notice the hand grip trigger of the Class 6200 Graphotype machines.  Some times referred to as the "pistol grip", it is this raised trigger and the character selector wheel located to the left of the main body of the machine that are distinct characteristics of this machine.  The class 6200 Graphotype machines do not have a keyboard as do Class 6300 Graphotype machines.


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